Lehigh Township Athletic Association
"LTAA will initiate, stimulate and improve athletic programs for the children of Lehigh Township
along with the surrounding community, by developing sportsmanship, leadership and physical fitness
through sports participation as a recreational pursuit aimed towards athletic achievement.
Building character one child at a time."

Lehigh Township Athletic Association is a non-profit organization that is not affiliated with Lehigh Township, Northampton Area School District, or Lehigh Township Elementary School. All of our funding comes from other sources, mostly donations and the nominal fees we collect for your child’s participation in an LTAA sport. The ball fields that we use belong to Lehigh Township and are graciously offered to the LTAA for our use. LTAA has access to other facilities, such as the Lehigh Elementary school gymnasium and other elementary schools. This is provided as a courtesy by the Northampton Area School District and we are grateful for their generosity.
LTAA was formed by local members of our community to provide a variety of sports programs for the children of Lehigh Township. Over the years the number of programs has grown as the number of participating children has increased. LTAA offers programs for Soccer, Baseball, Softball and Basketball.
LTAA Coaches are members of our community just like you. Most have children participating in a sport. Some have prior coaching experience and others do not. Some were athletes in their youth and others were not. The one thing ALL of our coaches share in common is a love of working with our children. Our Coaches are not compensated for their contributions of time and money. Their reward is watching our children develop new skills, grow their confidence, and having a lot of fun as they grow into responsible members of our community. ALL parents are invited to volunteer for coaching. You can volunteer to be a Head Coach or an Assistant Coach. Either way, you are guaranteed an enriching experience. If you are not coaching, please take the time to get to know your child’s Coach. You can give him/her important insights on your child and he/she can provide valuable feedback on your child. Open communication with your child’s Coach is the best way to have your questions answered and any concerns you may have properly addressed.